Children's Programs in August

Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, August 5, 12, 19 and 26, 11am-12pm

Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages and their families.
Saturday, August 7, 14, 21 and 28, 10:30-11am

中國書及水墨畫示範; 2010年7月24日下午2點半至4點

廣州大學教授陳華新示範中國書法 ; 另一位指導老師曹國華示範國畫畫「蝦」的技巧。有有興趣學習者可自帶筆墨及宣紙。

粵語及國語講解。 如有需要, 可提供英文翻譯。

Chinese Calligraphy & Ink Brush Painting demonstration, Saturday, July 24, 2:30-4pm

Performers will demonstrate the art of Chinese calligraphy and make shrimp illustrations in the style of Chinese ink painting.

This program will be in Cantonese and Mandarin; English translation will be provided if needed.

This program is part of our Adult Summer Reading program this summer. If you would like to participate in the Adult Summer Reading program, please sign up at your branch.

Librarians Recommend: "The Spellman Files" by Lisa Lutz

If you are a fan of wacky female characters like Bridget Jones or Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum, you should check out “The Spellman Files” by Lisa Lutz.

The Spellman’s are a family of private investigators whose members think that installing a dead bold on the inside of a bedroom door is nothing unusual, have no qualms about doing surveillance on other family members, and who routinely smash the lights on each other’s cars to make such surveillance easier – it is just easier to follow a car with a broken tail light, you see. Izzy Spellman, the narrator of this entertaining debut novel, is working on a 15 year-old disappearance case that her parents assigned to her as a means of keeping her in the business. When she can’t stop investigating even though her parents ask her to and her younger sister, a sugar-addicted 14 year-old with a recreational surveillance habit, disappears, the family is on the verge of getting torn apart.

Librarian's Verdict: An incredible fun read with a San Francisco setting. And don’t worry if you get hooked, the follow-ups “The Curse of the Spellmans” and “The Revenge of the Spellmans” are already available at the library!

Adult Summer Reading - Patrons Recommend

"City of Refuge" by Tom Piazza

I had to keep reminding myself that this is a work of fiction because the writing is so real and personal, it reads like a first-person accounting of events. The story begins a few days before Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans and takes us through the storm and its aftermath. Not surprisingly, we see how poverty and neighborhood have everything to do with how people survived - those with cars and money had a way to evacuate and those without resources were stranded. The writer makes you feel the devastation all around and leaves you with a sense of grief for the people of New Orleans.

Do you have a book recommendation of your own? Leave a comment on this blog or join the Adult Summer Reading program at your branch library and fill out a Book Review form in paper or online!

會見漫畫家Jason Shiga 及其互動漫畫書"Meanwhile"

7月17日, 星期六, 2010
2:30 - 4 pm

與漫畫家Jason Shiga 會面,討論他的互動漫畫書Meanwhile的創作秘訣.Meanwhile是與發明,探索,及拯救世界相關的原創故事,以系統化小格漫畫敘述,讀者可以自由選擇前行,後退,顛倒,或反轉等不同情節發展.每次閱讀都有新的冒險!最後,你可以創造個人式互動漫畫,有部分國語解說.限八至十六歲青少年參加.查詢請洽華埠圖書館Jewel,(415)355-2888 or

Meet Cartoonist Jason Shiga and his Interactive Comics "Meanwhile"

Saturday, July 17, 2010
2:30 - 4 pm
Chinatown Branch Library
1st Floor Community Meeting Room

Meet Jason Shiga, cartoonist & artist extraordinaire, who will show you the secrets of interactive comics Meanwhile. A wholly original story of invention, discovery, and saving the world, Meanwhile is told through a system of tabs that take you forward, backward, upside down, and right side up again. Each read creates a new adventure! At the end, you could create your own interactive comics. With partial Chinese (Mandarin) interpretation. For teens & tweens, ages 8 to 16 years old. For information, please contact Jewel at (415)355-2888 or

Children's Programs in July

Our annual Summer Reading Program continues in July. Make sure to come to the library between June 5 and July 31 to sign up, get your reading log and start reading!

We also have lots of fun events for children this month!

Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, July 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 11am-12pm

Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages and their families.
Saturday, July 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 10:30-11am

Fun Musical Performance with Gary Lapow
Enjoy a 45-minute muscial celebration o literacy through which the theme of water (ocean life, river life, pool and drinking water) joyfully runs.
Wednesday, July 7, 2:30pm
Ages 5 and older.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.

Nick Barone Puppets: The Princess Mermaid
Enjoy a musical adventure under the sea.
Wednesday, July 14, 2:30pm
Ages 3-5.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.

Magician Dan Chan
Wednesday, July 21, 2:30pm
Ages 3-5.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.