
認識如何使用圖書館電子資源, 包括搜尋館藏目錄, 預訂及續借書籍, 下載電子書, 以及利用Mango Languages於網上學英文. 適合對電腦操作有基本認識的人士參加. 無需報名. 中文講解. 免費參加. 詳情請電355-2888查詢.

日期: 2013627(週四)

時間: 上午10:00 11:00

Library eResources Demo

Come in and learn how to use the library catalog, request and renew library materials, download ebooks and use Mango Languages to learn English. Basic computer skills would be helpful. This program will be conducted in Chinese. Registration is not required.

Date: Thursday, June 27th
Time: 10-11 am

Library closed on Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Chinatown Branch and other San Francisco public libraries will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2013.




美國公民及移民服務局(USCIS)職員將介紹入籍過程,包括資格規定和申請程序,還有模擬面試,題目的問答, 並派發相關的資訊給大眾。此講座只探討一般入籍的過程,並不對個別案件提供法律或相關問題的諮詢。 若需查詢個別案件,請致電1-800-375-5283。本講座以粵語進行, 輔以英語。
日期:  6月18日(週二)
時間: 下午2:30-4:30

Naturalization Workshop in Cantonese

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) presents a workshop that will cover the naturalization process, including eligibility requirements and the application process. The workshop will include a mock interview, with a question and answer period and the distribution of related resource materials to follow. The workshop is intended to be a general discussion of the naturalization process. Legal advice and questions about individual cases will not be provided. For specific case inquiries, please call 1-800-375-5283.  This program will be conducted in Cantonese, supplemented by English.

Date: Tuesday, June 18th
Time: 2:30-4:30 pm


歡迎來慶祝華埠圖書館重建17周年, 與工作人員一起享用茶點!

星期二,  6月11日
下午2:30 至4:30 時
一齊玩Wii 體育, 和製作一個巨型的剪貼簿相冊! 

星期六,  6月15日
下午2:30 至4:30 時

屆時還有相片、電子剪貼簿及短片,介紹華埠圖書館自1996年擴建重開至今的歷史.  簡單茶點招待.

Annual Open House Celebration

It's the 17th anniversary of the Library's grand reopening!  Come celebrate and enjoy tea with the library staff!  

Taken at Grand Reopening on 6/15/1996
Join in on the fun playing Wii Sports and making a giant scrapbook album! 
Date: Tuesday, June 11th
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Enjoy an afternoon of delightful music with Gold Mountain Music Ensemble!
Date: Saturday, June 15th
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 pm

There'll also be photo displays, a digital memory book, and video documenting the branch’s long history. Light refreshments will be served.