Children's Programs in November

Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, November 4 and 18, 11am-12pm

Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages and their families.
Saturday, November 6, 13, 20 and 27, 10:30-11am

Crafts with Sophie
Come and join Sophie to make a special and fun craft project
Tuesday, November 30, 4pm
Ages 5 and older. Space is limited; please call for reservations.

Tuesday, November 16
10am, 10:30am, 11:05am & 2pm: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-12

Wednesday, November 17
4pm: Ages 5-12

Thursday, November 18
10am: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-12

11月2 日聯合普選

您需要中文選民指南? 圖書館有中文, 英文, 西班牙文, 越南文的選民指南。您也可以上網http://www.easyvoterguide.org中文與各種語言的選民指南及其他關於投票的資料。 舊金山市縣選務處的網站也有很多資料,例如選民資料手冊, 選民登記狀況查閱等等。

Clipper卡(路路通卡)英文及廣東話講解在10月26日(星期二), 下午三點

舊金山公交局的代表會來到圖書館講解新的路路通卡(Clipper)的運作。路路通卡集多種功能於一身, 可以當做月票使用, 也可以增值買票以及轉車。

填寫申請表可獲免費路路通卡一張 請帶同以下任何一種身份證明文件前來申請: 出生證, 州府發出的身份證, 綠卡, 墨西哥身份證, 護照或舊金山市府發出的身份證。


Clipper Card Presentation on Tuesday, October 26, 3pm in English and Cantonese

A speaker from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) will talk about the new Clipper (formerly Translink) card, an all-in-one reloadable transit card that manages your passes, fares and transfers and is accepted throughout the Bay Area.

Fill out an application to receive a free card. Please bring any of the following forms of identification: birth certificate, state-issued ID card, alien registration / permanent resident card, matricula consular/consular ID, Passport, or SF City ID.

The presentation will be in Cantonese and English.

You can also find information about Clipper on the SFMTA website at

Article about Chinatown Branch on Associated Content

Mark Quan wrote a nice article about Chinatown Branch on Associated Content. Read his article here:

It is always nice to hear from our patrons, so if you have comments, please let us know. You can comment here on our blog or use the comment form on the San Francisco Public Library website. There are also suggestion forms for titles - books, CDs, DVDs, etc. - that the library does not have.

館藏目錄培訓培訓班在10月28日(星期四), 上午10:00至11:00

想上網看雜誌? 想知道怎樣上網預訂圖書?
想知道怎樣上網續借? 想知道怎樣預訂電腦?


毋需報名, 完全免費.

上課日期 (每個月第四個星期四)




Library Catalog Workshop in English, Thursday, October 28, 11am-12pm

How do I reserve a computer?
How do I order a DVD or a bestseller?
How can I renew my items online?
How do I search the library catalog?

Get the answers to these questions and more at this month's Catalog Workshop on Thursday, August 26, 11am-12pm.

The Catalog Workshop takes place on the last Thursday of every month. Upcoming workshops are scheduled for the following days:

No class in November

No registration is necessary. Please join us for this free class!

堆肥還是回收? 在10月19日 (星期二), 三點之四點 (中文); 四點之五點 (英文)

還不清楚何時用藍色的回收箱, 何時用綠色的堆肥箱或黑色的垃圾箱嗎? 請參加關於回收及堆肥的講解會。

第一堂: 三點至四點 (中文)
第二堂: 四點至五點 (英文)

Do I Compost or Recycle This? on Tuesday, October 19, 3-4pm (Chinese) and 4-5pm (English)

Still uncertain when to use the blue recycle bin, the green compost bin, and the black garbage bin? Come join us for a presentation on recycling and composting by a representative from the San Francisco Department of the Environment.

The presentation from 3-4pm will be in Chinese; the presentation from 4-5pm will be in English.

This is a Green Stacks program. Learn more about Green Stacks here:

粵語災難應變講座, 10月16日(星期六), 下午2點半至4點

灣區紅十字會的人員會討論災難, 尤其地震的應變。

參加者學習如何應付地震, 包括預先準備, 以及在地震發生時和發生後的應對措施。學習要點包括預先計畫, 準備應急袋, 和保持最新資訊。


上面的照片是舊金山歷史圖片收藏1989年舊金山大地震的照片。如想瀏覽更多1989年大地震的照片, 請在舊金山歷史圖片網貢的搜索框輸入"Loma Prieta"。

Disaster Preparedness Workshop in Cantonese, Saturday, October 16, 2:30-4pm

A speaker from the American Red Cross, Bay Area Chapter, will talk about disaster preparedness in this free Cantonese-language workshop.

Learn everything about earthquake preparedness, and what to do during and after an earthquake. Learn to make a disaster plan, build a kit and be informed.

This workshop is part of this year's One City One Book program. To learn more and find more related events, please click here:

The historic photograph of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake is part of the San Francisco Historical Photograph Collection. Enter "Loma Prieta" in the search box to find other photos of this earthquake.

認識老人痴呆症的十大警訊 - 早期偵測的重要性, 2010年10月14日(星期四), 3點至4點(英文), 4點至5點(廣東話)

如果你或是你親友的記憶力出現問題或行為改變, 現在是時候瞭解及認識老人痴呆症了。早期偵測老人痴呆症讓您有機會接受藥物治療, 參與臨床試驗, 以及規劃您的將來。這場互動式的講座包含了老人痴呆症患者的影片。

三點至四點的講座是英文舉辦的, 四點至五點的講座是廣東話舉辦的。

Alzheimer's Association presents Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Matters, Thursday, October 14, 3-4pm (English) and 4-5pm (Cantonese)

If you or someone you know is experiencing memory loss or behavioral changes, it's time to learn the facts. Early detection of Alzheimer's disease gives you a chance to begin drug therapy, enroll in clinical studies and plan for the future.

This interactive workshop features video clips of people with Alzheimer's disease.

The presentation from 3-4pm will be in English only; the presentation from 4-5pm will be in Cantonese only.

編織在圖書館, 2010年10月5日(星期二), 下午3點半之5點




Knitting at the Library on Tuesday, October 5, 3:30-5pm

Are you a beginner who wants to learn how to knit or an experienced knitter looking to share ideas and techniques with other knitters? Join Chinatown Branch's "Knitting at the Library."

Ages 13 and older. Instruction will be in English and Mandarin. Attendance limited to 20 people. Please contact Chinatown Branch to sign up. There will be a small stash of yarn and needles for beginners but please bring your own supplies.

This program will take place in the Children's Storytime Room due to a film program in the Community Meeting Room that day. Please ask for directions at the Circulation or Reference Desks.

Children's Programs in October

Welcome fall with some wonderful programs at the library.

Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, October 7 (special Read for the Record Story Time), 14, 21 and 27, 11am-12pm

Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages and their families.
Saturday, October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 10:30-11am

Read for the Record
Children & caregivers will read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. Come and help us set the record for most people reading the same book!
Thursday, October 7

Hispanic Crafts
Come and join Sophie to make a special and fun craft project
Tuesday, October 28, 4pm
Ages 5 and older. Space is limited; please call for reservations.

Tuesday, October 5
10:30am, 11:05am & 2pm: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-12

Wednesday, October 6
4pm: Ages 5-12

Thursday, October 7
10am: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-12