


自2009年12月12日起在華埠圖書館或北岸圖書館領取閱讀記錄表. 每閱讀5小時, 在閱讀記錄表上登記. 於2010年1月16日活動截止前, 將閱讀記錄表交回華埠圖書館或北岸圖書館.

參加者每閱讀5小時, 其姓名會登錄入抽獎名單上, 中將者可獲得$12 Walgreens 禮品卡一張.閱讀時數越多,中獎機會越大.

材料免費提供, 可親手編製腕縄及麻纖維項鍊, 頸鍊, 踝鍊,戒指等.
1月8日(星期五), 下午3點半至5點半

閱讀當代暢銷小說 "穿條紋衣的男孩", 討論以普通話或英語進行. 參加者有機會的到本地書店禮品卡.
1月15日(星期五), 下午3點半至5點半

在這個冬季假期裡, 到華埠圖書館玩Wii電玩遊戲. 備有免費點心, 參加者限八歲至十八歲青少年.
(星期六), 下午1點半至三點半

華埠青少年網上雜誌 Chinatown Teen'Zine
創作活動包括華埠青少年網誌裝作, 樓碼攝影活動, DIY快樂手藝家, 青少年書友會, 功課指導等等.
獲得社區服務時數, 共享點心零食, 認識新朋友, 歡迎加入我們!
1月23日與30日(星期六), 下午1點至3點

Teen programs in January

Start the New Year with some fun programs at Chinatown Branch!

Teen Winter Reading Contest
There is still time to sign up for the Teen Winter Reading contest at Chinatown Branch and pick up a reading log. Fill out on reading log for every 5 hours you read. Return the log to the library by Friday, January 16, 2010. For every 5 hours you read your name will be entered into a raffle for cool prizes!
Get more info on the Teen Winter Reading Contest on the teen blog.

Basic Knotting
Make your own lanyards and hemp bracelets, necklances, anklets, chokers, rings, key chains and more. Materials are provided.
Friday, January 8, 3:30-5:30pm

Chinatown Chinese Reading Club
Read the best-selling novel, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas in Chinese. Discussion will be in Mandarin Chinese and English. Chance to win a raffle gift card from a local bookstore.
Friday, January 15, 3:30-5:30pm

Teen'Zine Holiday Gaming Day
Let's have some fun time at the Chinatown Library playing Nintendo Wii games. Light refreshments will be served.
Saturday, January 16, 2010, 1:30-3:30pm

Chinatown Teen'Zine
A bilingual (English/Chinese) after-school teen activity. Workshop activities include: bilingual blog publishing, digital photography, database learning, gaming, homework help and more.
Check out the Teen'Zine blog!
Saturday, January 23 and 30, 1-3pm

And, don't forget to check out the teen blog for programs at other library branches, reading tips and other fun stuff!


華埠圖書館1月舉辦的兒童節目. 歡迎大家參加!

1月7日, 14日, 21日, 28日 (星期四), 上午11點到12點
適合年齡 0-2 歲幼兒及父母或托兒照顧員一起參與的親子歌曲和故事

1月2日, 9日, 16日, 23日, 30日(星期六), 上午10點半到11點 .
適合幼兒及家庭欣賞的故事和歌曲. 有時候我們還有廣東話故事和童謠呢!

1月30日(星期六), 上午11點半

上午十點半, 十一點5分: 3到5歲小孩
下午四點: 5到12歲小孩

: 3到5歲小孩
: 5到12歲小孩

Children's programs in January

Start the New Year with some fun and educational children's programs!

Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, January 7, 14, 21 and 28, 11am-12pm

Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages.
Saturday, January 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 10:30-11am

Chinese Lion Dancers
Saturday, January 30, 11:30am

Tuesday, January 12
10:30am & 11:05am: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-12

Thursday, January14
10am: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-12


2010年1月1日(星期5) 為"新年假日"全部舊金山市立圖書館休息一天。12月31日(星期4) 圖書館將於下午五時休息。 圖書館在2010年1月2日(星期六)恢復正常開放時間。


Library closing at 5pm on December 31 and closed on January 1 for New Year's Day

Please note that the Chinatown Branch and all other San Francisco Public Libraries will close at 5pm on Thursday December 31 and ill be closed on Friday January 1 for New Year's Day. We will resume our regular opening hours on Saturday January 2.

Happy New Year from all of us!


12月25日(星期5) 為"聖誕假日"全部舊金山市立圖書館休息一天。12月24日(星期4) 圖書館將於下午五時休息。 圖書館在12月26日(星期六)恢復正常開放時間。

Library closed on December 25 for Christmas Day and closing at 5pm on December 24

Please note that the Chinatown Branch and all other San Francisco Public Libraries will be closed on Friday December 25 for Christmas Day and will close at 5pm on Thursday December 24. We will resume our regular opening hours on Saturday December 26.

Happy holidays to all of you!

1月9日(星期六)下午2點半 《秋瑾》免費電影放映

《秋瑾》這部影片描述中國近代女革命家及女權運動者秋瑾不平凡的一生。片長56分鐘, 放映後緊接問題解答及討論。


01/09/10 "Autumn Gem" : A Film by Rae Chang and Adam Tow

Filmmakers Rae Chang and Adam Tow present "Autumn Gem", a film that explores the extraordinary life of the Chinese revolutionary heroine and women's rights activist Qiu Jin (1875-1907). Q & A will be held directly after the 56 minute screening.

Culture and Arts Discussion and Live Performance, Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009, 3-3:45pm

New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) presents a program to introduce culture, arts, and performing arts at the Chinatown Branch on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009, 3-3:45pm.

The 45-minute program will be conducted in English and features:
  • A live dance performance by junior dancers
  • A discussion of culture and arts
  • An introduction to performing arts in both the West and China
  • An introduction to ShenYun Performing Arts group
Please join us for this free program.

Chinatown Children's Programs in December

Join us for these wonderful and exciting children's programs this month!

Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, December 3 (special Bay Sign Language story time), 10, 17, 24 and 31, 11am-12pm

Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages.
Saturday, December, 5, 12, 19 and 26, 10:30-11am

Baby Sign Language @ Baby Story Time
Come and join us for baby story time with baby sign language instructor from My Smart Hands!
Thursday, December 3, 11am-12pm

SFUSD Kindergarten Enrollment Workshop
Learn about the SFUSD enrollment process and key dates.
Saturday, December 5, 2-3:30pm

Holiday Puppet Show with Nick Barone
For ages 3 and older.
Tuesday, December 8, 1:30-2:15pm

Tuesday, December 15
10:30am & 11:05am: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-12

Wednesday, December 16
4pm: Ages 5-12

Thursday, December 17
10am: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-12