學跳社交舞, 12月12日(星期六), 下午2點半至4點

侯玉梅老師當場示範及教授各種社交舞技巧, 包括倫巴, 恰恰的銅牌, 銀牌, 金牌中的任何動作, 男步或女步。 水平高的"舞林"高手亦可向老師題問題請教。


Learn Ballroom Dance with YuMei, Saturday, December 12, 2009, 2:30-4pm

Like to dance or want to learn to ballroom dance? Learn how to with YuMei, a professional with many years of teaching experience!

Call us at (415) 355-2888 or come to the library to register for the program.


December Teen Programs at Chinatown Branch

Join us for these exciting Teen programs this month!

Teen Winter Reading Contest
Sign up for the Teen Winter Reading contest at Chinatown Branch and pick up a reading log. Fill out on reading log for every 5 hours you read. Return the log to the library by Friday, January 16, 2010. For every 5 hours you read your name will be entered into a raffle for cool prizes!
Get more info on the Teen Winter Reading Contest on the teen blog.

Teen'Zine Holiday Gaming Day
Let's have some fun time at the Chinatown Library playing Nintendo Wii games. Light refreshments will be served.
Friday, December 4, 2009, 3:30-5:30pm and
Saturday, January 16, 2010, 1:30-3:30pm

Basic Knotting
Make your own lanyards and hemp bracelets, necklances, anklets, chokers, rings, key chains and more. Materials are provided.
Friday, December 11, 3:30-5:30pm

Chinatown Chinese Reading Club
The discussion of the manga series The King of Sweets in the Universe by Hiroto Oishi continues in December. Discussion will be either in English or Mandarin. Some treats will be served.
Friday, December 18, 3:30-5:30pm

Chinatown Teen'Zine
A bilingual (English/Chinese) after-school teen activity. Workshop activities include: bilingual blog publishing, digital photography, database learning, gaming, homework help and more.
Check out the Teen'Zine blog!
Saturday, December 5 and 12, 1-3pm

And, don't forget to check out the teen blog for programs at other library branches, reading tips and other fun stuff!

11月25日下午5點到11月27日為"感恩節假日", 圖書館休息兩天

從11月25日下午5 點到27日為"感恩節假日", 舊金山市立圖書館休息兩天。 圖書館在11月28日(星期六)恢復正常開放時間。


Library closed from 5pm November 25 to November 27 for Thanksgiving

Please note that the Chinatown Branch and all other San Francisco Public Libraries will be closed from 5pm November 25 to November 27 for Thanksgiving. We will resume our regular opening hours on Saturday November 28.

We at the library are grateful for expanding library hours and opening newly renovated branches at a time when other library systems have been cutting back on services.

What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving? Post a comment and let us know!

Angel Island Lecture on November 14, 2009 from 2- 3:30pm

Come join us for a short film and talk on the historic immigration station on Angel Island.

Located in San Francisco Bay, the U.S. Immigration Station at Angel Island served as a processing and detainment center for hundreds of thousands of immigrants and emigrants between 1910 and 1940. It is now a National Historic Landmark.

The presentation will be in English only.

請觀看有關天使島移民拘留中心的短篇電影, 參與演講及討論。


英語演講, 不設翻譯
11月14日(星期六), 下午2點至3點半

Library closed for Veterans Day on Wednesday, November 11

Please remember that the Chinatown Branch and all San Francisco Public libraries will be closed in observation of Veterans Day on Wednesday, November 11, 2009.


11月8日是當代猶太博物館(Contemporary Jewish Museum) 的「圖書館日」

2009年11月8日,上午11點至下午5點持有舊金山市立圖書館借書證的人可以免費參觀當代猶太博物館(Contemporary Jewish Museum)。您只需出示圖書證就可以免費進入博物館. 博物館的有趣展覽包括「有一個神秘:桑塔克桑塔克」(There's a Mystery There: Sendak on Sendak)。 這個特展用100多幅作品回顧了著名作家和插畫家莫里士桑塔克的一生。莫里士桑塔克1963年出版的兒童書「野獸國」永遠改變了兒童文學。


想看更多關於博物館和莫里士桑塔克展覽的資料, 請看http://www.thecjm.org/

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November 8 is Library Day at the Contemporary Jewish Museum

On November 8, 2009, between 11am and 5pm all San Francisco Public Library library card holders get free admission. Just show your library card and enjoy the exhibitions including There’s a Mystery There: Sendak on Sendak, a major retrospective of more than 100 works by Maurice Sendak, the famed author and illustrator who changed the course of children’s literature forever with his 1963 classic, Where the Wild Things Are.

Throughout the day there will be readings of favorite Sendak books by children’s librarians. In addition, visitors can participate in drop-in art-making—celebrating Maurice Sendak’s Nutshell Library—by creating miniature books, from 1 to 3 p.m.

Click here to learn more about the museum and the Sendak exhibition: http://www.thecjm.org/

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材料免費提供, 可親手編製腕縄及麻纖維項鍊, 頸鍊, 踝鍊,戒指等.
11月13日(星期五), 下午3點半至5點半

閱讀日本漫畫家大石普人的"甜點王". 討論以普通話或英語進行. 品嚐蛋塔或蛋糕等西式節慶點心.
11月20日及12月18日(星期五), 下午3點半至5點半

華埠青少年網上雜誌 Chinatown Teen'Zine
創作活動包括華埠青少年網誌裝作, 樓碼攝影活動, DIY快樂手藝家, 青少年書友會, 功課指導等等.
獲得社區服務時數, 共享點心零食, 認識新朋友, 歡迎加入我們!
11月7日, 14日, 21日(星期六), 下午1點至3點