
認識如何利用圖書館資源, 搜尋館藏目錄, 預訂及續借書籍, 下載電子書, 以及使用Mango Languages於網上學英文. 適合對電腦操作有基本認識的人士參加. 無需報名. 中文講解. 免費參加. 詳情請電355-2888查詢.

日期: 2013年2月28日(週四)

時間: 上午10:00 至11:00

Library Resources Workshop

Come in and learn how to use the library catalog, request and renew library materials, download ebooks and use Mango Languages to learn English. Basic computer skills would be helpful. This workshop will be conducted in Chinese. Registration is not required.

Date: Thursday, February 28th

Time: 10-11 am