Change in schedule for Hula Hoop Fun with Cherry Hoops

Please note that the Hula Hoop Fun with Cherry Hoops program originally scheduled for Thursday, September 8, will take place on Thursday, September 15, 4-5pm instead.

Ages 5 and older. Please call for reservations.

Laptop lending and changes to public computer time

Starting Tuesday, August 30, the public access computers will transition from 30 minute time slots to 1 hour time slots. Patrons will also be able to check out laptop computers from the circulation desk. Laptop and desktop computers that require an SFPL library card can be used in any combination for a total of one hour daily.

If you want more information about laptops and the requirements for laptop use, please see the following section of the library website: or ask library staff.



Children's programs in September

School started and films are back.

Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, September 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 11am-12pm

Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages and their families.
Saturday, September 3, 10, 17, and 24, 10:30-11am

Hula Hoop Fun with Cherry Hoops
Join us for a fantastic hoop-dance activity with Nicole.
Ages 5 and older. Please call for reservations.
Thursday, September 15, 4-5pm

Tuesday, September 20
10am, 10:30am, 11:05am and 2pm: Ages 3-5
4pm: Ages 5-7

Wednesday, September 21
10am and 10:40am: Ages 3-5
Thursday, September 22
10am and 10:40am: Ages 3-5

Library closed on Monday, September 5, 2011 for Labor Day

The Chinatown Branch and all other San Francisco Public Libraries will be closed on Monday, September 5, for Labor Day.

If you want to know more about why we celebrate Labor Day, read this short article from the United States Department of Labor:

中秋手工活動在8月27日(星期六), 下午2點半至4點




Mid-Autumn Festival Craft Workshop on Saturday, August 27, 2:30-4pm

Come and learn how to make a beautiful decorative lantern for the Mid-Autumn Festival with Chinese red envelopes!

Space is limited. Registration is required. For more information, please call 415.355.2888.

Instruction will be in English and Cantonese.

Children's programs in August

Summer Reading ended July 30 but that doesn't mean that there aren't any fun children's programs in August!

Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, August 4, 11, 18 and 25, 11am-12pm

Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages and their families.
Saturday, August 6, 13 and 20, 10:30-11am

Farm Animal Petting Zoo
Rabbits and goats and ducks, oh my!
Thursday, August 18, 10am-12pm
Ages 10 and under. Space is limited; please call for reservations.