

題目: 讀書樂
收件截止日期: 二零一一年五月二十八日(星期六)
詳情請洽華埠圖書館Jewel 電話:(415)355-2888 or jewelchen@sfpl.org

評審將依原創性, 文法, 題旨相符等觀點評分
*限以中文書寫, 至少一千字以上
*如以郵件寄送或遞送, 請寄至: Jewel Chen, Chinatown Branch Library, 1135 Powell Street, CA 94108
*得獎者限一名, 獎品為$50 Target禮品卡
*得獎文章將刊登於舊金山市立圖書館青少年網頁(華埠青少年網誌Chinatown Tee'Zine Blog)

Teen Essay Contest

In celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May 2011, you are invited to join a Teen Essay Contest in English.
Topic: "The Joy of Reading"
Deadline: Saturday, May 28, 2011

For information, please call Jewel at Chinatown Branch Library, (415)355-2888 or jewelchen@sfpl.org
Judging will be based on originality, grammar, coherence to the topic and more.

The rules:
*Age: 12-18
*Text should be written in English only, at least 1,000 words
*One entry per person
*Submission by email to: chinatowntz@gmail.com
*Submission in person or by mail to: Jewel Chen, Chinatown Branch Library, 1135 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
*Include your name, address, school, grade, phone number and email address
*Essays will be divided into two age groups, middle school (Grade 6-8) & high school (Grade 9-12)
*Prizes for winners of each group: First place winners - Target gift card ($50); Second place winners - Best Buy gift card ($25)
*The winner's essay will be posted on the San Francisco Public Library's Teen web pages (Chinatown Teen'Zien Blog)

中國象棋比賽在2011年4月23及4月30日(星期六), 下午1點半至5點


2011年4月23日(星期六), 下午1點半至5點




Chinese Chess Tournament, Saturday, April 23 and 30, 1:30-5pm

Chinatown Branch is hosting a Chinese Chess Tournament for players ages 18 and above.

Preliminary Playoffs, Saturday, April 23, 1:30-5pm

Final Playoffs, Saturday, April 30, 1:30-5pm

Please register by April 16 either in person or via phone (415-355-2888).

青少年串珠: 復活節活動

四月八日, 星期五, 下午三點半至五點半

串起彩色圓珠, 製作可愛飾品. 本活動主要串珠復活節彩蛋, 彩球或小花等. 提供材料. 名額限十二人, 請預先報名. 歡迎七至十二歲青少年參加.
詳情請洽華埠圖書館館員Jewel, 電話: (415)355-2888 或jewelchen@sfpl.org

Beading Arts for Teens & Tweens: Easter Holiday

Friday, April 8th, 3:30 - 5:30 pm
First Floor Community Room

You can make an Easter egg or color balls or a flower etc. Let's string colorful beads to make adorable ornaments. Materials provided. Limit to twelve participants. Pre-registration is required. For teens & tweens, ages 7 to 18 years old. For information, contact Jewel at (415)355-2888 or jewelchen@sfpl.org