June marks the beginning of our annual
Summer Reading Program. Make sure to come to the library between June 5 and July 31 to sign up, get your reading log and start reading!
We also have lots of fun events for children this month!
Baby Story Time
Rhymes, songs and books for infants to 18 months and their caregivers.
Thursday, June 3, 10, 17 and 24 (special baby yoga class), 11am-12pm
Family Story Time
Stories, songs and more for children of all ages and their families.
Saturday, June 5, 12, 19 and 26, 10:30-11am
The Bubble Lady
A fun and entertaining bubble show with the bubble lady!
Wednesday, June 9, 2:30pm
Ages 5 and older.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.

The Lizard Lady
Warm up to cold-blooded critters with Lizard Lady Teressa Killeen and her wonderful reptiles!
Wednesday, June 16, 2:30pm
Ages 5 and older.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.
Insect Discovery Lab
Join us for creepy crawly fun with the Insect Discovery Lab!
Wednesday, June 23, 2:30pm
Ages 5 and older.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.
Baby Yoga Time
Stretch! Come and make a sea animal yoga pose.
Thursday, June 24, 11am
Children ages 2 and younger and their caregivers.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.
Marine Mammal Center

Come and learn about the marine mammals of California. The Whale Bus will be here!
Friday, June 25, 1:15pm
Ages 5 and older.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.
Sophie Craft
Make a fun and easy craft with Sophie!
Wednesday, June 30, 2:30pm
Ages 5 and older.
Space is limited, please call for reservations.
Not enough? Come back in July for more programs!