八月份及九月份主題書為美國暢銷作家史蒂芬妮 • 梅爾所寫的小說”暮光之城”,並比較其他吸血鬼的故事.
現場備有零食點心,歡迎品嘗. 參加者可索取小說貼紙或漫畫書籤等. 本活動以普通話及英文進行,歡迎十二歲以上之青少年與成人參加. 地點在華埠圖書館社區會議室.
詳情請洽華埠圖書館館員Jewel Chen, Tel: (415)355-2888 or jewelchen@sfpl.org
Chinatown Chinese Reading Club meets 3:30-5:30 pm on August 28 and September 11
In August & September, the Chinese Reading Club will discuss "Twilight," the popular novel written by Stephenie Meyer (the Chinese version) and compare it to two different vampire stories.
Light refreshment will be served. Come to get a Twilight sticker or a Chinese manga bookmark etc.! For both adults and teens (12 and older). In Mandarin & English. We meet in the Chinatown Community Meeting Room.
For more information, please contact Jewel Chen at Chinatown Branch Library, Tel: (415)355-2888 or jewelchen@sfpl.org
Light refreshment will be served. Come to get a Twilight sticker or a Chinese manga bookmark etc.! For both adults and teens (12 and older). In Mandarin & English. We meet in the Chinatown Community Meeting Room.
For more information, please contact Jewel Chen at Chinatown Branch Library, Tel: (415)355-2888 or jewelchen@sfpl.org
Baby Storytimes 小寶寶故事時間
Family Storytimes 家庭樂故事時間
Family Storytimes
Every Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
Stories and songs for preschoolers and their families.
Chinese stories and songs will sometimes be included.
Children of all ages are welcome to join in.
All programs at the Library are free.
逢星期六上午10:30 開始 .
青少年手工藝創作節目, 9月4日及9月18日, 星期五下午3點半至5點半
Creative Crafts for Teens on Friday, September 4 & 18, 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Try different craft projects and do it yourself, including beading, braiding, weaving, drawing or origami, etc. Craft materials are provided. Lecture in English & Mandarin Chinese.

For tweens & teens, ages 8 – 18 years old. Contact Jewel for registration, Chinatown Library (415)355-2888 or North Beach Library (415)355-5626, jewelchen@sfpl.org
Health Hazards from Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
高血壓 -健康的克星

Come join us for the lecture on Health Hazards from Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure with Gordon Fung, MD, MPH, PhD, FACC and a certified hypertension specialist by the American Society of Hypertension! (in Cantonese)
華埠圖書館及加大亞裔心血管中心 聯合呈獻。
華埠圖書館及加大亞裔心血管中心 聯合呈獻。
地點:1135 Powell Street ( 近Jackson街)
地點:1135 Powell Street ( 近Jackson街)
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